Blaming other has always been easier than to look at yourself first

One of the many characteristics that distinguish people I like and people I rather not see once a year is a moment that reveals how they react to stress and pressure, especially when nothing goes right. Within a fraction of a second, I just know if I can see myself spending time with them.

The best kind of people, in my opinion, look at themselves first when something goes wrong (and I’m not talking about things that happen out of their control, obviously) They will do some self-reflection before pointing their finger to anyone else. They will admit to their own mistakes when they find out that they were the reason of the aftermath. This requires a good portion of mental strength to let go of pride and view the situation as objectively as possible. I salute those who live this way, it takes a special kind of strength to be able to do that. These are the ones I look up to and can learn from.

Needless to say, those who act like nothing ever is their fault baffled me. I mean, huge ego much?

Those who haven’t developed enough mental strength is guilty of this toxic behavior.

Blaming others has always been easier than to take a good look at yourself. These are the ones having too much pride, for absolutely nothing!

I believe a situation always, always has two sides or even more than that. It is never entirely the fault of one person (except for some extreme cases like murder, but you get me) So, if more people can think like this, we would be able to solve heating discussions or confrontations more effective and in a more compassionate way.

We always tend to make the easiest choices that benefit us the most.

But the true heroes are the ones who own up to their own mistakes and grow from it.

So do some self-reflection every now and then, who knows, you may grow.


From the girl who rambles through life

Here is to making new memories

A new year has approached. Happy new year!

If you have read my blog frequently, you may know that I’m not a bit of a planner myself. In my case, the only time I can plan properly is when there are deadlines lurking around, blocking my way to the exit of reality. Anytime other than that, I pretty much ramble through life. And that’s not per se a bad thing for me! See the connection now with Rambles by Kim?

With a new year comes naturally new resolutions. Many resolutions, however, no matter how good intended, end up in the trash bin before it even has the slightest chance to blossom. So, how can we make resolutions that will work or at least will take you to the right direction to start off with?

My two cents? I guess it’s about constantly checking upon ourselves and reflecting back throughout the journey we are on. It’s not really helping when you only reflect back by the time the clock hits midnight and people start to open up champagne bottles and give smooches around the table. It’s not helping at all when your only intention is to post it online for other people to see it and not processing it by yourself. By continually do self reflection we open our eyes for those parts of us we didn’t knew we had. We will get frustrated and enlightened when you finally understand that life is nor fair or unfair because we are in control of our own lives in most cases but also lots of things are out of our own control.

You can only be 100% in control of the reactions you willingly give out by the circumstances you end up in.

You would start to think first before to speak impulsively to prevent unnecessary dramatic outcomes.
You would get more grasp on humans behaviour for we all represent a part of it. In a best scenario, this can make us more empathic with each other. Thus, less miscommunication, more understanding towards each other and hopefully we start to get our hopes up in each other instead of building up our walls even higher than they already are.

When you regularly look at your own actions, the results that come with it, and thinking how you can do it better the second time around AND acting according to it. Then, you my friend, are already making resolutions for yourself and succeed in making it true. It’s always easier to make small changes instead of going all over the place at once.

It isn’t about a new year, a new you.

That’s just making yourself feel better if you have fucked up another year. Let’s not. Life is not a game you can reset by the time it reaches a new stadium.

You can not undo mistakes and ignore decisions you have made.

It’s about constantly looking in yourself, one step closer to understanding each other, not blaming others for the results you get of your own actions. In other words, improving. And most importantly, let’s not forget in the midst of all those reflections,

breathe and make new memories and may all your actions blossom and thrive you into the person you wish to be! 


From the girl who rambles through life